The project entitled “Digital exploration of the cultural repositiry of ancient and byzantine Messenia” was implemented by the Ephorate of Antiquities of Messenia. It is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the Priority Axis “Development of mechanisms to support entrepreneurship” of the Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation” and from national resources of the Public Investment Program. The Funding body is the Ministry of Culture. The project concerns the utilization of digital media and the use of emerging technologies for the preservation, promotion, and media dissemination of the cultural repository of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Messenia.
More specifically, in the context of the project, the following work packages were implemented:
o Aerial photography and video documentation of 10 selected archaeological sites and monuments of Messenia.
o 3D modelling of 5 monuments.
o 3D modelling of 100 museum exhibits.
o High-definition photography of 300 archaeological objects.
- Documentation of all digitized records based on international standards.
- Development of a geospatial data application for the systematic recording, documentation, digitization and management of monuments and archaeological sites, as well as of administrative and geospatial data related to the archaeological heritage of Messenia.
- Documentation and collection management system for the Collection and Archive of the Ephorate. In the context of this work package, the open-source software Collective Access was installed and configured. The software was customized responding to the diverse elements that constitute the collection such as monuments, objects, and archival material.
- Design and development of the Ephorate’s online collection
- Website design and development for the online promotion of the Ephorate, as well as of the archeological assets under its jurisdiction. The website will promote further the mission of the Ephorate in safeguarding the cultural heritage of Messenia and in distributing it through various activities addressed to adults as well as to younger audiences.
- Digital tour guide for smart mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) enabling interaction with the visitor beyond the physical boundaries of the visited space. The application makes use of a wide range of multimedia material creating for the visitors an engaging experience. Through the application, archaeological routes are proposed to the visitor that connect important archaeological sites, monuments, and museums with the use of cutting-edge technology. The routes display all the information about the points of interest in a simple, understandable, and attractive way, enhancing physical and digital accessibility.
- Digital tour guide for smart mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) for the Archaeological Museum of Pylos. The mobile app acts as a guide when visiting the collection providing utmost importance to user experience, engagement and authenticity of the information presented.
- Design and development of educational interactive applications including games and quizzes related to the Palace of Nestor and the monastic complex of Andromonastiro.
- Redesign and redevelopment of educational applications of the Archaeological Museum of Messenia including four interactive games for primary and secondary school students.