The tholos tomb 3 was constructed at the beginning of the Mycenaean period (towards the end of 17th century BC) and is the oldest tholos tomb of Peristeria. Its diameter was 6.90 m and it preserves only a part of the vaulted burial chamber up to a height of about 2 m. Inside the tomb, two decorated jars of the early Mycenaean period were found, as well as plenty of gold grave goods. A large gold diadem with repoussé decoration, three gold cups with repoussé spriral decoration, gold tassels, as well as jewellery for the shrouds of the deceased, made of very thin sheets of gold foil in the form of butterflies, rosettes and owl, stand out. Also, grave goods of semi-precious materials such as amethyst, sardium, amber and rock crystal, arrowheads of flint and obsidian, and parts of boar tusks for helmets. The tomb ceased to be used soon afterwards, when the so-called ‘Circle’ was built, an enclosure separating tombs 2 and 3 from the residential area extending to the south and west.