The tholos tomb 2 is smaller and earlier than the large tholos tomb 1 and was found looted. It was constructed in the earlier phases of the Mycenaean period and consists of a dromos, a stomion, and a vaulted burial chamber. The tomb yielded animal and anthropomorphic figurines, an abundance of thin sheets of gold foil, pieces of palace style jars, and numerous objects of gold, silver, bronze, amber and ivory. Gold rosettes and tassels, bees made of fine gold leaf, necklaces with amber and amethyst beads, and a clay female figurine indicative of the contacts with Minoan Crete, stand out. Perpendicular to the dromos (passageway) of the tomb is the thick wall of the so-called “Circle”, which was built after the construction of the tholos tombs 2 and 3, probably to separate the sacred older area of the dynastic cemetery from the residential area, which extends to the south.