The Archaeological Museum of Messenia is housed in the location of Kalamata’s old indoor municipal market, which was built in 1929 and operated until 1986, when it was severely damaged by the earthquakes and demolished. The new building that was erected in its place was donated by the Municipality of Kalamata to the Ministry of Culture to serve as an archaeological Museum, which was inaugurated in 2009. Following the older geographical division of Messenia into four provinces, Kalamata, Messene, Pylia and Triphylia, the exhibition is divided into four geographical sections. These sections include representative finds from the most important archaeological sites of Messenia, dating from prehistoric times to the 15th century AD. In order to become familiar with the geographical units, the visitor walks along the showcases and the exhibits, following a central route, which is reminiscent of the flow of river Pamisos, which runs through a large part of Messenia and flows into the Messenian gulf.