The Ephorate

Tholos tomb 1 at Peristeria

The Τholos Τomb 1 is the largest of the tombs of Peristeria. It was constructed around 1500 BC and was covered by a tumulus (an earthen hill) retained by an enclosure. Its elaborate façade is paved with limestone all over its height, while two Minoan symbols have been engraved on the left side of its entrance: a branch and a double axe. The restored tholos (dome) is 12,04 m in diameter and 10 m high. Although the tomb was looted in antiquity, among other grave goods found in its interior were numerous pieces of palace style jars, sheets of gold foil, a small gold bead with granulated decoration, consisting of 1000 soldered tiny beads, a gold ornament with an embossed scene of a procession of male figures, which evokes similar ritual processions of Minoan art, tiny thin gold disks, amethyst beads and scarab and pieces of a vase made of black stone. Successive burials were made in the tomb during the Mycenaean period, while in the classical and hellenistic period, rituals were held related to ancestral worship. A shallow quadrangular shaft grave was found embedded in the western part of the stone built enclosure of the Tholos Tomb 1. It was mainly used for reburials around 1700-1600 BC and is considered the earliest burial monument of Peristeria. Among the grave goods, a bent bronze sword, a golden cup and numerous gold jewels stand out.

Δέχθηκε διαδοχικές ταφές κατά τη μυκηναϊκή περίοδο, ενώ κατά τους κλασικούς και ελληνιστικούς χρόνους στο εσωτερικό του τελούνταν τελετές που συνδέονται με τη λατρεία των προγόνων. Ένας αβαθής λακκοειδής τάφος βρέθηκε ενσωματωμένος στο δυτικό τμήμα του λιθόκτιστου περιβόλου του Θολωτού Τάφου 1. Είχε χρησιμοποιηθεί κυρίως για ανακομιδές ταφών γύρω στο 1700-1600 π.Χ και θεωρείται το αρχαιότερο ταφικό μνημείο της Περιστεριάς. Από τα κτερίσματα ξεχωρίζουν ένα λυγισμένο χάλκινο ξίφος, ένα χρυσό κύπελλο και πολυάριθμα χρυσά κοσμήματα.